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曾担任教育部非数学类专业数学课程教学指导委员会委员。现为中国数学会会员、Member of The International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts。
参加国家科技部863项目1项,国家自然科学基金2项,教育部人文和社会科学研究规划基金项目1项,主持教育部人文和社会科学研究规划基金项目1项,省高校自然科学基金等项目5项。在《科学通报》、《中国科学》、《数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《管理科学学报》、《中国管理科学》、《南方经济》、《复杂系统与复杂性科学》、《SEAMS Bull. Math.》、《Acta Mathematics Sinica》、《Chaos, Solitons and Fractals》、《Nonlinear Analysis》、《Computers and mathematics with applications》、《Journal of Computational Applied Mathematics》、《Physica A》以及《International Review of Financial Analysis》等国内外学术刊物上发表论文60余篇,其中SSCI收录2篇、SCI核心期刊收录15篇,EI核心期刊收录12篇。
(The 51st Meeting of the EWGFM and 1st Conference of the Research Centre for Energy Management (RCEM) at ESCP
(2012 Global Business, Economics and Fianance(GBEF) Conference)
(The 5th international conference on nonlinear analysis)
1996年5月,CIMPA(国际纯粹与应用数学中心,法国): Automata, Discrete Dynamic Systems and Applications (
1991年9月,ICTP(国际理论物理中心,意大利):School on Dynamic Systems (Trieste, Italy)
1. 教育部人文和社会科学研究规划项目(12YJAZH020),金融系统复杂性的表征、成因及演化,2012.1.-2014.12. (主持人)
3. 国家自然科学基金项目(70871058),下滑风险度量下组合策略的选择理论及其应用,2008.1.-2010.12.(主要参加者,闫海峰主持)
4. 教育部人文和社会科学项目(09YJA7909199),(主要参加者,郭文旌主持)
5. 江苏省高校自然科学基金项目(05KJB110033),混沌理论研究及其在金融风险管理中应用,2005.7.-2007.12.(主持人)
6. 教育部教学研究项目,经济管理类数学课程分层次教学的研究与改革实践(BIA010094-F),2004.1.-2006.12.(主持人)
7. 教育部教学研究项目:21世纪中国高等学校经济管理类数学课程内容和课程体系的创新与实践(BIA010094),2004.1.-2006.12.(主持人)
8. 江苏省高校自然科学基金项目(02KJB110008),低维混沌系统研究及其在经济中应用,2002.6.-2004.12.(主持人)
9. 安徽省教育厅重点教学研究项目:数学实验教学内容和课程体系的研究与建设,2001.1-2003.12.(主持人)
10. 安徽省科技厅软科学项目(00030503),安徽省科技、教育和社会发展模型的研究与应用,2000.9.-2001.12.(主持人)
11. 安徽省高校自然科学基金项目,动力系统理论及其在经济中应用,2000.1-2002.12.(主持人)
12. 国家科技部863项目(863-306-
1. Shadowing techniques and chaotic phenomena, Chapter
1. 股票市场的羊群行为与波动:关联及其演化—来自深圳股票市场的证据,管 理科学学报,2013.8. 录用并在线(顾荣宝、刘海飞、李心丹、李龙)
2. Efficiency and multifractality analysis of CSI 300 based on multifractal detrending moving average algorithm, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2013, 392 (6):1429-1438 (Weijie Zhou, Yaoguo Dang, Rongbao Gu)
3. Is the efficiency of stock market correlated with multifractality? An evidence from the Shanghai stock market Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2013, 392( 2): 361-370 (Rongbao Gu, Yanmin Shao, Qingnan Wang) SSCI / SCI / EI
4. 深圳股票市场的羊群行为及其演化----基于一个改进的CCK模型,南方经济,2012,30 (10): 112-121. (顾荣宝,蒋科学)
5. Multifractal analysis on international crude oil markets based on the multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010, 389(14): 2805-2815 (Rongbao Gu, Hongtao Chen & Yudong Wang) SSCI / SCI / EI
6. Analysis of market efficiency for the Shanghai stock market over time Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2010,389(8):1635-1642. (Yudong Wang, Li Liu, Rongbao Gu, Jianjun Cao, Haiyan Wang) SCI / EI
7. Analysis of efficiency for Shenzhen stock market based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis, International Review of Financial Analysis, 2009, 18: 271- 276 (Yudong Wang , Li Liu, Rongbao Gu)
8. 我国股票市场羊群行为实证研究, 金融经济, 2009,10:87-89(冯东方,顾荣宝)
9. 基于MF-DFA的国际原油价格多重分形特征研究, 复杂系统与复杂性科学, 2009, 6(3): 1672-3813 (陈洪涛, 顾荣宝, 周德群)
10. The asymptotic average-shadowing property and transitivity for flows, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,2009, 41(5): 2234-2240 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI.
11. 基于分形V/S技术的沪深股市长记忆性研究,安徽大学学报,2008, 3:18-21(顾荣宝,陈霁霞)
12. On Ergodicity of Systems with the Asymptotic Average Shadowing Property, Computers and mathematics with applications, 2008, 55(6): 1137–1141,(Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI
13. The large deviations theorem and ergodicity, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,2007, 34(5): 1387–1392 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI.
14. The average-shadowing property and topological ergodicity, Journal of Computa -tional Applied Mathematics, 2007, 67(6): 796 – 800 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI.
15. The asymptotic average shadowing property and topological transitivity, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2007, 67(6): 1680–1689 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI.
16. CAPM对深圳股票市场的实证研究,安徽大学学报,2007, 2: 17-20 (顾荣宝,刘瑜华)
17. Recurrence and the asymptotic pseudo-orbit tracing property, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 2007, 66(8): 1698–1706 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI
18. Kato’s chaos in set-valued discrete systems, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,2007, 31(3): 765–771 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI
19. APOTP for the inverse limit spaces, Appl. Math. J.
20. On mixing property in the set-valued discrete systems, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2006, 28(3): 747–754 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI
21. On equicontinuity of graph maps, Southeast Asian Bull of Math, 2005, 29: 735- 745 (Rongbao Gu, Yeming Zhu)
22. 含期权的最优投资消费决策,中国管理科学,2005,13(5): 23-28(郭文旌,顾荣宝)
23. The average-shadowing property and topological ergodicity for flows, Chaos Solitons and Fractals, 2005, 25(2): 387–392 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI
24. Topological structure of non-wandering set of a graph map, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 2005, 21(4): 873–880 (Rongbao Gu, Taixiang Sun & Tingting Zheng) SCI
25. The APOTP and non-wandering homeomorphisms, Ann of Diff Eqs, 2005, 21(2) (Rongbao Gu)
26. The average-shadowing property and transitivity for flows, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2005, 23(3): 989–995 (Rongbao Gu) SCI / EI
27. 一类连续体上连续映射的周期点, 数学学报,2004, 2: 343-348 (孙太祥,顾
28. 非混沌的树映射,数学年刊,2004, 47(2): 113-122(孙太祥,顾荣宝, 张永
29. Shadowing property of circle maps, Southeast Asian Bull of Math, 2004, 28: 1-8 (Rongbao Gu)
30. Non-wandering set of a continuous graph map, Appl Math J Chinese Univ Ser B, 2003, 18(4) : (Rongbao Gu)
31. Equicontinuity of maps on Warsar circle, J of Math Study, 2002, 3: 249-256 (Gu Rong bao)
32. Equicontinuity of maps on figure-eight space, Southeast Asian Bull of Math, 2001, 25: 413-419 (Rongbao Gu, Zhongming Qiao)
33. The attracting center of a continuous tree map, Ann of Diff Eqs, 1999, 3: 214-218 (Gu Rongbao, Zheng Zhuxiu)
34. 连续树映射非游荡集的拓扑结构,数学年刊,1998, 5(顾荣宝)
35. Centre of measure and minimal centre of attraction for the shift maps on the inverse limit spaces, Northeast Math J, 1998, 3 (Rongbao Gu)
36. Uniform pseudo-orbit tracing property and orbit stability, Ann of Diff Eqs, 1997, 4 (Rongbao Gu)
37. 闭曲面上的C
38. Necessary and sufficient condition of C
39. 闭曲面上奇点孤立的C
40. Hausdorff dimension of chaotic sets of interval self-maps, Chinese Science Bulletin, 1996, 21 (Rongbao Gu) SCI
41. 线段自映射浑沌集合的Hausdorff维数,科学通报,1996, 18(顾荣宝)
42. 逆极限空间上移位映射的拓扑熵和混沌,武汉大学学报,1995, 1(顾荣宝)
43. Contor集合上的连续自映射,数学研究与评论,1995, 4(顾荣宝)